High End Beauty
Your destination for an expertly curated range of the finest beauty and skincare products from across the world.
Coconut Mask, creates a moisturizing and emollient action leaving the skin soft and hydrated. Suitable for all skin types. Coconut milk powder contains a high percentage of Hyaluluronic acid with strong and soothing properties. It is often used for dry or stressed skin. Coconut milk powder mixed with hyaluronic acid nourishes deply, avoiding dehydration and soothing inflammation. This mask can also be used on sensible and young skin because it is not aggressive and does not have a high abrasive power. To be used with Botexpharma face tonic and cremes.
30 gr (5/6 applications)
Moisturizing and emollient action
How to use:
Mix about 4 grams of powder preferably with Hamamelis water until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Apply a light stratum and keep on until completely dry. Rinse with warm water. Apply the mask twice a week.
Coconut milk powder, rice flour and hyaluronic acid
Your destination for an expertly curated range of the finest beauty and skincare products from across the world.
Check out the EVENSWISS® range manufactured with the patented and unique DERMATOPOIETIN® Polypeptide Complex.
Discover the wide range of Eyetitude products: the ultimate solution for your daily skincare routine.
Discover Plisson 1808 shaving accessories: handcrafted from the finest materials and assembled by the finest French craftsmanship.